Contact Us

What help do you need?

Make a claim

Briefly act as an insurance broker. Your insurance is provided by Haven.

Please contact Haven within 24 hours of an incident (whether you were at fault or not).

Get answers

The quickest way to find an answer to any question you may have is to look at:


You can communicate with our customer service team by web chat.
Mon – Fri 9am -5pm


If you are a Policyholder then you can contact us about your policy (including request to cancel your policy) via our policyholder contact form.

For non-policyholder please use our webchat during opening hours.

Access policy documents

We will have emailed to you your policy documents when you purchased your policy.

You can also access your documents via out customer portal.

Make a complaint

We’re sorry you’ve had a bad experience. Please contact our customer service team on web chat to let us know and we’ll try our best to put it right.

If you would like to make an official complaint, then information is available on our how to make a complaint page.